Nagorno-Karabakh Human Rights Defender Report on Blockade

April 12, 2023

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"[EXCERPT] Every day, 5-year-old Kristina wakes up early in the morning, starts to dress and asks her grandmother to take her to the kindergarten, as she misses her friends and desperately wants to play with them. She was left in the care of her sole grandmother Eliza, since her parents left for Yerevan for a medical examination before the blockade and did not manage to come back ever since. Every day, little Kristina asks her grandmother when her parents will return home and when she will go to kindergarten. Kristina misses her parents a lot, so every day she asks her grandmother to call them. However, as a result of Azerbaijan's criminal actions, the Internet is being constantly disrupted, and from time to time the service is completely unavailable in Artsakh. Coupled [with] the electricity supply disruption and 6-hour-long scheduled outages, it is sometimes impossible for the separated family of little Kristina to talk to each other. As per the grandmother, once she got heavy sick and the little one cried and said: "If my parents never come back home and my grandma dies, what will I do? Will I stay all alone? I am afraid.""