Nagorno-Karabakh Joint Report of NGOs Report on Blockade

January 1, 2023

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"[EXCERPT] As of 47th day of the blockade, the supplies in local supermarkets and stores, including Stepanakert’s central market have been running extremely low. Vegetables, fruits, and berries completely disappeared from the stock; there is scarcity of sugar, buckwheat, lentils, flour, grain, oil, rice, and eggs in Stepanakert. Population stands in long queues for hours in cold weather conditions to buy basic food, while families with toddlers sometimes are not even able to reach the shop and stand long hours in the lines, while people with toddlers or elderlies do not event manage to reach the shop and stand in long queues for hours. A mother of 7 months old shares that she cannot find even hygiene items such as diapers for her toddler; not talking of food, the road was closed so unexpectedly and for so long that she couldn’t even imagine the city would be out of the basic things such as hygiene items or basic foodstuffs."