Statement by Foreign Minister Sergey Ghazaryan

August 16, 2023

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Artsakh

16 August, 2023

Dear Colleagues,
Dear Compatriots,

The situation in Artsakh is fatal. Today, more than ever, it is important that we all come together.

As you know, since December 12, 2022, Azerbaijan has blocked the free movement of people, all types of vehicles and goods/cargos along the only road (Lachin corridor) connecting Artsakh with the outside world. Only representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Russian peacekeeping contingent could move along the road. However, on June 15, 2023, any movement was completely prohibited, including the supply of essential products.

As a result of these Azerbaijani state-sponsored terrorist acts, the 120,000 people of Artsakh have severe shortages of food, medicine, fuel, and basic necessities, which has led to serious problems in all spheres of life. In the most difficult humanitarian conditions, thousands of citizens have to stand in line for hours to get the minimum amount of food or essential goods, internal reserves of which are very limited. As a consequence of the total siege, the rates of psychological problems, morbidity and death have increased dramatically.

Today, Artsakh is the only territory in the world that is under complete siege and where even the international community has no access.

However, beside all this, we have People ready to fight and overcome difficulties, they are clearly aware of the Azerbaijani genocidal goals, but continue to resist in the hope of living a sovereign, safe, and dignified life in our historical homeland, Artsakh.

I present to your attention the relevant part of the appeal of The President of the Republic of Artsakh for urgent actions addressed to our compatriots in the Diaspora:

Your participation is crucial for the protection of the inalienable rights of our 120,000 brothers and sisters in Artsakh.

Only by uniting our nationwide efforts in Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora, we can prevent a new genocide.


Sergey Ghazaryan
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh