Report on the Arrival of Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh

October 3, 2023

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According to the latest data, the number of people forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh is 100,625

Prime Minister's Press Secretary Nazeli Baghdasaryan and Governor of Aragatsotn Region Sergey Movsisyan presented details of the Government's support programs for people forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh.

According to the data provided by Nazeli Baghdasaryan, the number of forcibly displaced people from Nagorno Karabakh is 100,625, the number of vehicles that crossed the Hakari bridge is 21,195, and the number of registered persons is 91,924. One needs to apply to community centers to get registered, as there are such centers in more than 60 communities.

This registration is critical for state support programs. Two programs have already been launched. Within the framework of the first program, each person forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh will receive one-time support of AMD 100,000. The press secretary once again presented the process of receiving the money, according to which people who have bank cards will receive the money in the next few days, and those who do not have bank cards should approach any nearby bank and open a bank card account by which they will get that money. Opening a bank card account and issuing a card will be free of charge. After opening a bank card account, there is no need to submit it to the Unified Social Service, it is enough just to approach the bank and open a card account. For minor children, the money will be allocated as follows: the child's mother must attach the child's data to the platform to be launched on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, so that the transfer is made to her account.

By the second program, each forcibly displaced person will receive 40,000 AMD from the state to rent an apartment and 10,000 AMD for utility costs. The transfer of these funds will also be carried out cashless through bank card accounts.

Governor of Aragatsotn Region Sergey Movsisyan presented that as of 4:00 pm, the number of forcibly displaced people from Nagorno Karabakh in the region is 3,017, of which 478 were accommodated in hotels and guesthouses, and 2,539 in apartments and houses. In particular, 2,305 people were settled in the Ashtarak enlarged community, of which 390 people live in hotels and guesthouses, and 1,915 people live in houses and apartments. 354 people were settled in the Aparan enlarged community, of which 57 people live in guesthouses, and 297 people live in houses and apartments. 264 people have been accommodated in the Talin enlarged community, of which 31 people live in hotels and guesthouses, and 233 people live in houses and apartments. In Tsaghkahovit enlarged community, 94 people were accommodated in houses and apartments, since there are no guesthouses and hotels in the community. As of now, out of 2,539 people registered in the region, 2,086 people have received food, and food in guesthouses and hotels is provided by the given business owner. 150 children have been admitted to school, the transportation issue is organized by the Government. Work is being done to move the people living in hotels and guesthouses to houses and apartments.

There is a hotline number in the region: 0232 32464, which can be called in case of any problem.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan reminded that the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports have already published the list of vacancies. The hotline of the Ministry of Health is 083, and the hotline of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports is 010599600.