Report on the Arrival of Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh

September 29, 2023

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As of 8 pm, 98,625 forcibly displaced persons arrive from Nagorno-Karabakh in Armenia

Prime Minister's Press Secretary Nazeli Baghdasaryan continues to present the latest data on displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh and the progress of support provided by the Government's "Humanitarian Center."

As of 20:00, 98,625 people forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh are already in Armenia. 20,892 vehicles crossed the Hakari Bridge. As of 6:00 pm, 74,382 people were registered. 1,560 people were transported to Goris by buses sent by Armenia. A total of 46 buses left for Stepanakert again and as of 6:40 pm had already crossed the Hakari Bridge and will be in Stepanakert within a few hours.

At the moment, 405 patients are receiving treatment in the medical institutions of Armenia, of which 337 are citizens injured in the recent military operations and the fuel base explosion. Persons forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh receive free medical care, including inpatient care, in medical facilities in Armenia. 10 children are in the intensive care unit, the condition of 5 of them is quite serious, the condition of 1 is extremely serious.

All persons forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh are offered free accommodation by the state. As of now, 27,396 people have benefited from this support. The distribution according to regions is as follows: 1,617 people in Aragatsotn region, 6,139 people in Ararat region, 2,749 people in Armavir region, 2,398 people in Gegharkunik region, 1,404 people in Lori region, 7,078 people in Kotayk region, 1,067 people in Shirak region, 2,094 people in Syunik region, 1,613 people in Vayots Dzor region, 1,237 people in Tavush region. Yesterday at the same time that number was 20,236.

The 24-hour hotline 114 launched by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has currently received 10,500 calls. The primary needs registration platform -, is also operational, where 18,200 applications have been filled.

Through the website, more than 1,000 volunteers have joined the process of supporting forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh. The social support services map is also coordinating resources, and so far 220 organizations have filled out the application.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan also referred to some of the calls to the hotline, which related to registration in case of lack of documents, receiving one-time aid of 100,000 AMD, and education of displaced children. The press secretary noted that if someone does not have documents, he or she should contact the Migration and Citizenship Service for identification. Regarding the other frequently asked question, which refers to children's education, Nazeli Baghdasaryan noted that admission to schools will be done in a simplified version. The other question was about receiving 100,000 AMD one-time support. In connection with this issue, the press secretary noted that people with bank and pension cards will be given the money by transfer, and those who do not have bank cards should be identified in social services so that the process goes quickly.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan reminded that in all regions and 64 communities there are also centers where it is possible to register, which will allow access to all the offered support programs.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, people forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh have received a message that includes a step-by-step guide on what to do.