Report on the Arrival of Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh

September 28, 2023

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The number of people who crossed the border from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia exceeds 76 thousand. The government will allocate 100,000 AMD to each of them

Head of the Migration and Citizenship Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Armen Ghazaryan, and Prime Minister's Press Secretary, Nazeli Baghdasaryan, presented the progress of support provided by the Government's "Humanitarian Center" to our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh.

It was reported that as of 8:00 pm, 76,407 forcibly displaced persons crossed the border from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, and 15,914 vehicles crossed the Hakari bridge. As of 7:00 pm, around 55,248 people were registered.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan presented another important piece of information, according to which, during the consultation held with the Prime Minister, a decision was made to allocate 100,000 AMD to each person forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, regardless of their age and gender.

17,153 people used the accommodations provided by the government of Armenia. Yesterday's indicator was 8,036. 988 people were sheltered in Aragatsotn region, 3,665 people in Ararat region, 1,231 in Armavir region, 1,542 in Gegharkunik region, 663 in Lori region, 4,156 in Kotayk region, 783 in Shirak region, 1,958 in Syunik region, 1,070 in Vayots Dzor, and 797 people in Tavush region.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan emphasized once again that the registration process is highly important, as the forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh will have the opportunity to benefit from the social programs implemented by the state. The press secretary of the Prime Minister once again reminded that all programs can be found through the website.

Armen Ghazaryan, head of the migration and citizenship service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, noted that 26,575 of the registered persons are male and 28,670 are female. Among those registered, there are 1,172 persons with disabilities and 133 pregnant women. Most of those registered are from Stepanakert: 27,408 people, more than 10,000 people from Martakert region, more than 7,500 people from Askeran region, about 7,000 people from Martuni region, and so on.

Armen Ghazaryan also noted that persons who crossed the border and do not have documents are identified through the population register.

According to Armen Ghazaryan, the data obtained based on the preliminary needs assessment process are transferred to relevant departments in order to ensure further professional engagement, education, and care for the elderly.

Presenting health data, Nazeli Baghdasaryan noted that 342 patients continue their treatment in various health institutions, 11 children are in the resuscitation department, 4 of which are newborns. In total, about 16,000 children under the age of 18 moved to the Republic of Armenia. 25 patients of the Nagorno-Karabakh mental health center were also transferred to Armenia, who continue their appropriate treatment in the institutions of the Ministry of Health.

As for the social sphere, Nazeli Baghdasaryan noted that the hotline 114 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs works 24 hours a day and has registered 8,200 calls. The primary needs registration platform continues to operate; 10,600 applications are registered here. The website operates for the assessment of primary needs.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is also recruiting volunteers through the website, where 860 applications have already been filled. The social support services map is also processing resources, and at the moment 180 organizations have filled out the application.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan noted that at today's Cabinet meeting, around 350 million AMD were allocated to regional administrations in order to solve food and primary problems.

The Prime Minister's press secretary also added that 35 buses located in Goris have already arrived in Stepanakert to transport forcibly displaced persons from there to the Republic of Armenia. These are the people who have a vehicle problem and cannot move to Armenia.