Statement by Foreign Minister Sergey Ghazaryan

September 19, 2023

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Commentary by Sergey Ghazaryan, Foreign Minister of Artsakh Republic

Recently, the Azerbaijani side has been carrying out daily troop transfers and stockpiling of various weapons, which were accompanied by intensive information and propaganda activities, preparing the ground for large-scale aggression against Artsakh.

The Artsakh side constantly warned all actors in 2020 about the indisputable fact of Azerbaijan’s unprecedented accumulation of military power after the war and possible provocations, including in the hope of preventing large-scale military actions.

As you know, over the past 24 hours, the Azerbaijani side has spread misinformation that the Artsakh side allegedly carried out sabotage operations and fired at Azerbaijani positions.

And later they spread information that they had launched a so-called “anti-terrorist operation,” which proves that all these steps were planned in advance. This fits perfectly with reports of genocidal actions by Azerbaijan against Artsakh and its people by the Armenian side in recent months.

Now we are witnessing how Azerbaijan, in order to implement its policy of genocide, is moving towards the physical destruction of the civilian population and the destruction of civilian objects.

We have repeatedly informed international actors that calls only will not stop Azerbaijan from its belligerent and criminal acts. We demand from the international community must take effective steps very quickly to stop Azerbaijan's aggression.