Tatoyan Foundation Report on Azerbaijan's Proposal to Open an Alternative to the Lachin Corridor

August 1, 2023

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"[EXCERPT] The Akna [Aghdam] road will be used by Azerbaijan to render the [Lachin] Corridor obsolete, tighten its isolation of the Artsakh Armenians from Armenia and employ a myriad of oppressive methods aimed at domination not “integration” and a life of ongoing oppression, not one of “justice and dignity.”

Azerbaijan’s conduct is clear: impose a self-serving blockade engineered to shift the narrative to a humanitarian one and provide an opening for a “humanitarian” “alternative road” that serves its underlying campaign to oppress and ethnically cleanse the Artsakh Armenians. The humanitarian pretext of an Akna road proposal is a convenient cover for Azerbaijan to capitalize on its anti-Armenian agenda, unhindered by the international community."