Armenian Human Rights Defender Report on the Mistreatment of Detainees by Azerbaijan

January 1, 2021

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"[EXCERPT] The contributing factors for the duress have been the state-supported hatred against Armenians and discriminatory policy, glorification of persons committing atrocities against Armenians, state-tolerated practice of cult killings, decapitations and torturing of Armenian captives, as well as video-recordings of these scenes of heinous crimes and their wide dissemination among Armenian population with the aim to spread terror.

The Azerbaijani armed forces acted in an arbitrariness-countenancing environment and the Armenian PoWs have been left completely at the mercy of those holding them. No mechanism to protect the prisoners right to freedom from coercion, duress, torture or cruel treatment was operational and the Armenian captives were forced to make untrue confessions to produce fake evidence for Azerbaijan."