Amnesty International Report on Elderly Armenian Civilians

May 17, 2022

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"[EXCERPT] When older people did not flee, Azerbaijani forces often subjected them to extrajudicial executions as well as torture and other ill-treatment, or transferred them to detention facilities in Azerbaijan, where they were often beaten and otherwise mistreated, including by being denied healthcare. Often an older person’s age meant that Azerbaijani forces saw them as likely participants of the 1990s war, and thus, in their view, a fair target. The toll on the physical and mental health of older people who survived has been devastating. Azerbaijan has a clear responsibility to ensure independent and impartial investigations into these violations, which amount to war crimes, to prosecute suspected perpetrators, to disclose to families the fate or whereabout of their missing relatives, and to provide full reparation for violations. Thus far, it has ignored calls from the international community to do so."