Statement by His Holiness Pope Francis on the Blockade of the Lachin Corridor

January 29, 2023

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Pope prays for peace in Ukraine, recalls Lachin Corridor crisis

Pope Francis joins thousands of young people in St. Peter’s Square in an appeal for peace in our world, especially in war-torn Ukraine.

By Devin Watkins

St. Peter’s Square was filled on Sunday with young pilgrims who participated in the “Caravan for Peace” initiative, organized by the Catholic Action group in Rome. Greeting the young people following the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis joined in their prayers for peace.

He said the group’s prayers and commitment to peace are even more important this year as Europe witnesses the war in Ukraine.

“Let us think of Ukraine and pray for the Ukrainian people, who are so mistreated,” he said.

Lachin Corridor crisis

The Pope also renewed his appeal for the “grave humanitarian situation in the Lachin Corridor in the South Caucusus.”

“I am close to all those who, in the dead of winter, are forced to cope with these inhumane conditions. Every effort must be made at the international level to find peaceful solutions for the good of people.”

The Lachin Corridor is Nagorno-Karabakh’s land link with Armenia, and has been blocked by Azerbaijan since mid-December as protesters keep supplies from reaching the 120,000 Armenians living in the mountainous enclave.