Statement by National Security Council Secretary Jake Sullivan on the Blockade of the Lachin Corridor

December 22, 2022

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Readout of APNSA Jake Sullivan’s Calls with National Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan of Armenia and Head of the Foreign Relations Department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Hikmat Hajiyev

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke separately today with National Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan of Armenia and Head of the Foreign Relations Department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Hikmat Hajiyev. In these calls, they took stock of the progress made in EU and U.S.-facilitated peace talks since their joint September 27 meeting in Washington. All affirmed their commitment to negotiations with the goal of finalizing a peace agreement. Mr. Sullivan urged both sides to consider steps that will ease tensions and serve as the basis of good neighborly relations in the future. Mr. Sullivan noted our ongoing concern over impeded access to the Lachin Corridor and the growing humanitarian implications of this situation, and called for full restoration of free movement through the corridor.