IOM Armenia Programme Update

February 9, 2024

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IOM Armenia Programme Update

9 February 2024

Situation and Needs Overview

Secondary movements continue among a significant portion of refugees in Armenia, posing challenges to understanding precise numbers and needs at the community level. Despite ongoing challenges, there has been notable progress in supporting refugees’ integration into Armenian society.

Four months after the displacement crisis, significant achievements include:

IOM Response

Health and MHPSS

In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, mobile health clinics provided a range of services to refugees and vulnerable community members, including psychological counseling.

Service Outcome
Primary health care consultations 7,305
Symptomatic treatment 2,063
Psychological counseling 1,097

Mobile health clinic providing general medicine services, specialized care, and referrals through ArMed. Photo credit: IOM, January 2024.

Shelter and NFIs

In Shirak and Gyumri, IOM improved shelter conditions and provided essential household items to vulnerable refugees, focusing on winterization efforts.

Labor Market Integration

Collaborating with the Ministry of Economy, IOM initiated a Labor Force Assessment among forcibly displaced persons to support socioeconomic integration.


Enhanced early warning systems in 15 border communities to improve response capabilities.

Data Analysis and Refugee Registration

IOM continued to support Migration and Citizenship Services with data processing and GIS mapping for refugee registration.

This report is based on the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Armenia Programme Update, 9 February 2024.

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