Report on Victims of Fuel Station Explosion

September 26, 2023

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67 of the victims of the explosion in Nagorno-Karabakh are receiving treatment at Yerevan Burn Center

Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan and press secretary of the Prime Minister Nazeli Baghdasaryan presented the progress of the support provided by the Government's "Humanitarian Center" to our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan presented the data received from the operational center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia, according to which 20,270 people are registered in the accommodation stations of persons forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh. According to the press secretary, distribution takes place after registration. Citizens first enter the Kornidzor humanitarian station, then the registration takes place in Goris. "650 people have already been settled in Goris, 169 in Sisian, 171 in Tatev, 324 in Kapan, 19 in Meghri. A total of 1,298 displaced persons are accommodated in Syunik Province. 532 displaced persons are accommodated in Vayots Dzor, 752 in Gegharkunik, and 268 in Tavush Provinces," Nazeli Baghdasaryan said. She noted that so far the state has taken care of the accommodation of 2,850 people.

Health Minister Anahit Avanesyan said that 67 of the people injured in the explosion at the fuel warehouse in Nagorno-Karabakh are receiving treatment at the National Burn Center of the Ministry of Health. "The health condition of most of them is assessed as extremely severe and severe. We also have a small number of moderate cases. Other specialists have joined our team of burn specialists, and joint work is being done so that all needs can be met in one place," said the minister.

Anahit Avanesyan reminded that 23 wounded were transferred to different medical centers in Yerevan 2 days ago. "Today they continue to receive medical care, the necessary surgical interventions have been carried out."

The minister also noted that the process continues. At this moment, emergency vehicles are carrying out the transportation of the wounded from Stepanakert.