From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide

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From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide

Akçam, Taner.
London: Zed Books, 2004, 273 pages. ISBN 184277526X.

This book examines the relationship between Turkey's transition from Ottoman Empire to Turkish Republic, the Armenian Genocide, and the process of democratization in Turkey today. The book is a significant step towards addressing the taboo in Turkey regarding the Armenian Genocide and creating a meaningful, historical dialogue. The first three chapters provide the reader with a framework for understanding Turkish nationalism, its origins, and its on-going relationship to the Armenian Genocide. In chapters four and five Akçam follows the changes in Ottoman Turkey's political climate that led to the decision for genocide and the implementation of the Genocide itself.

Sample Chapters:

  • What Are Turkey's Fundamental Problems? A Model for Understanding Turkey Today
  • A Theoretical Approach to Understanding Turkish National Identity
  • Some Aspects of Turkish National Identity and the Armenian Genocide
  • The Homogenizing and Ethnic Cleansing of Anatolia
  • The Decision for Genocide in Light of Ottoman-Turkish Documents
  • The Treaties of Sèvres and Lausanne: An Alternative Perspective
  • The Causes and Effects of Making Turkish History "Taboo"
  • The Genocide and Turkey
  • Some Theoretical Thoughts on the Obstacles to Armenian-Turkish Reconciliation