April 5, 1990
Senate Resolution No. 870
Offered by Senator Hall and Senator Rock, President of the Senate; and Senators Alexander, Barkhausen, Berman, Brookins, Carroll, Collins, Daley, D'Arco, Davidson, DeAngelis, del Valle, Demuzio, Donahue, Dudycz, Ralph Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Etheredge, Fawell, Friedlalnd, Geo-Karis, Hawkinson, Holmberg, Hudson, Jacobs, Jones, Jeremiah Joyce, Jerome Joyce, Karpiel, Keats, Kelly, Kustral, Lechowicz, Luft, Macdonald, Madigan, Mahar, Maitland, Marovitz, Netsch, Newhouse, O'Daniel, Philip, Raica, Rea, Rigney, Savickas, Schaffer, Schuneman, Severns, Smith, Topinka, Vadalabene, Watson, Weaver, Welch, Woodyard and Zito.
WHEREAS, April 24, 1990, the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, should be declared a Day of Remembrance; and
WHEREAS, Such a day would honor the 1,500,000 people of Armenian ancestry who were victims of the genocide perpetrated by the governments of the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923, prior to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey; and
WHEREAS, This date is commemorated by all Armenians and their friends throughout the world; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE EIGHTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we request Governor Thompson to proclaim the Seventy-fifth Anniversary on April 24, 1990, a Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this preamble and resolution be presented to Governor James Thompson.
Adopted by the Senate, April 5, 1990.
Philip J. Rock
President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate