April 23, 2004
WHEREAS, one and one-half-million Christian Armenian men, women, and children were the victims of a brutal genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Government from 1915 to 1923; and
WHEREAS, the Armenian genocide and massacres of Armenian people have been recognized as an attempt to eliminate all traces of a thriving and noble civilization over 3,000 years old; and
WHEREAS, recognition of the eighty-ninth anniversary of this genocide is crucial to guarding against the repetition of future genocide and educating people about the atrocities connected to these horrific events; and
WHEREAS, Armenian-Americans living in Nebraska have greatly enriched our state through their leadership in business, agriculture, academia, government and the arts;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mike Johanns, Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby proclaim April 24, 2004, to be
in Nebraska and I do hereby urge all citizens to that notice of the observance.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska to be affixed this Twenty-Third day of April, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Four.
[signed} Mike Johanns
[signed} John A. Gale
Secretary of State