Frequently Asked Questions about ANI
What are the aims of the Armenian National Institute?
The Armenian Genocide was thoroughly documented and universally condemned as it was occurring. Yet the world soon forgot about the atrocities. The recurrence of genocide since 1915 now stands as a warning to humankind about the need to prevent mass violence by confronting the past.
To attain its goal of universal affirmation ANI is undertaking the worldwide collection of documentation attesting to the Genocide, producing research publications, preparing instructional materials for educators and students, promoting scholarship, building community support, working closely with the media, and studying legal options to secure the legacy of the Armenian Genocide.
How and when did the Armenian National Institute get started?
The concept of creating a national institute focusing on the issue of the Armenian Genocide in Washington, D.C. was first introduced by the Armenian Assembly of America in March 1996. After ten months of planning and organizing, the Armenian National Institute opened its doors on January 3, 1997.
What type of organization is the Armenian National Institute and with what other organizations does it work?
ANI is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization incorporated in the District of Columbia in February 1997. ANI works collaboratively with experts in the field of genocide and Holocaust studies, institutions of higher learning, and non-profit organizations focusing on crimes against humanity.
How does the Armenian National Institute collect information on the Armenian Genocide?
ANI collects documentation from state archives around the world that attests to the Armenian Genocide. ANI also gathers evidence in the form of photographs, books, manuscripts, and other artifacts from private collections and personal archives.
How is the Armenian National Institute financed?
ANI was established in 1997 with a $1 million donation by Hirair Hovnanian that was supplemented by the Armenian Assembly of America endowment campaign. The Institute's sources of funding include earnings from its endowment, grants, and private donations. ANI is independently audited as part of the Armenian Assembly of America and the audit is available on the Assembly website. Tax returns are available upon request.